Tuesday 13 March 2018

The Price Was Right

Thanks to a power cut at my workplace and thanks to minimum food temperature laws, I came home yesterday with five packaged sandwiches, five pots of fruit and sixteen tubs of yoghurt. All of them reached 9°C by the time power was restored, meaning they had to be sold within two hours or binned. The reason I felt they're perfectly safe for me is that I am quite sure my own grocery shopping goes over that temperature some days before I manage to get home! That haul was all that I felt would fit into my fridge. Two large bags of food had to be left behind - I hate waste, so I managed to get a few of my colleagues to take some home too. So there's a bit less I have to spend on my groceries this month (a large woo goes in here!).

I'm also AirBnBing again. I have a lovely couple staying in my bedroom at the moment while travelling. A builder stayed on the weekend and tomorrow a university lecturer arrives. Every extra penny counts, as they say! My bedroom is definitely not the level of luxury that my AirBnB apartment was, so I don't charge nearly as much, but it seems there are still people who'd rather save on accommodation and spend on other things. I can't say I blame them, I'm exactly the same. I'd rather spend on nice meals and seeing the sights while on holidays. Who cares about the place you lay your head, as long as it's quiet, clean and warm? I mean, you're asleep...

I managed to pick up an extra shift at work this week too. That's a rarity right now. I know May will be good for extra work hours, so until then I'll take anything I can get. (Someone needs to invent bills which pay for themselves.)

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