Monday 9 April 2018

Frugal Count

Since my last post was about spending money, I figured it's time I paid a little bit attention to some of the frugal things I've done lately (well, it is supposed to be a blog about frugal things!).

Here they are, in no particular order - but it's a numbered list - go figure.

1. Ate the free lunch at work. I'm pretty fortunate in that my workplace provides a meal for us. Depending on the shift I work, sometimes it's a sandwich and fruit, and sometimes it's a hot meal. Often it will be the soup of the day. Occasionally the hot meal is something I'm really not in the mood for. But I'm trying to show discipline and actually eat what's on offer for free. As some evenings I am the chef, sometimes I can even decide what's on the menu. Saturday night I did steamed salmon with rice and peas (now that's what I call a win).

2. Took home leftovers. Usually this is not an option, I can't take anything from our kitchen at work. But if a colleague doesn't want their freebie sandwich or apple on our daily coach trip to the next city, I'm happy to take it home.

3. Stuck to one transport. I was mixing bus and train, sometimes buying a return ticket only to go home via the other transport because the timings were awkward! Yes it's a little inconvenient when I have a longer wait for the bus in the evening, but I walk half way and get some exercise in. So I was finally able to buy a weekly bus ticket to save a few extra pounds.

4. Free coffee from work. Sometimes they even have vanilla flavour. I make one and drink it on the way home, from my reusable travel cup. #green

5. Bought a radio. Yeah I spent money, but hear me out. I mentioned that I've cancelled my Spotify subscription, well I spent 18 pounds on a digital radio that sits beside my computer. I found a few good stations to listen to and two months in the radio has paid for itself. It also has a bonus of not using my internet data.

6. Stayed on the freebie list. is the one I'm a member of. They're not all useful freebies for me (I don't really want free kids' stickers) but I always go for the free razors, free perfumes or cosmetics, and free coffees.

7. Data rationing. Normally I'd have said that I must have plenty of internet access and it's not-negotiable. This month I somehow used 90% of it in the first two weeks, but I decided I'd just have to deal with what I have left. I have had to be really careful about the remaining data. I don't want to have to buy any more. Fingers crossed I'll make it to reset day :)

8. Played my existing games. This is part of trying not to use up my data! I own quite a lot of games already and I'm revisiting old favourites rather than play things online. So far I'm definitely not suffering.

9. Put the space heater away. It's staying over the 5 or even 10 degree mark nowadays and the flat is easily around 22 with just the weak wall radiator, so the blower is being stored for the summer. It chews through the power, so this will save a lot of money.

So I made it to 9. I'm sure there are others. What things are you doing to keep things frugal?

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