Sunday 10 February 2019

Evening Out

So my spending this week went up as I did a Social Thing™ and met up with an old work acquaintance for well-overdue drinks. £25 was gone before I could blink. On the plus side, I didn't really know most of the group and wasn't feeling massively into late night shenanigans, so I did manage to go home around pumpkin hour rather than dancing the night away (and spending the night away).

Much as it's nice to catch up with people, I think I'd rather sit and chat with a drink than to boogie to loud music where you can't hear conversation!

Yet another week has gone by without me either shopping properly or cooking proper meals. I need to get my act together and accept that when I'm working the afternoon and evening, I'll have to arrange my proper main meal for lunch. I've done way too much of supermarket sandwiches and snack foods and far too little of fruit and vegetables, and it shows. And it's not cheap. My skin and energy levels are in poor shape and I need to pay attention to my health.

So starting from now I'm stepping down from the supervision role and downgrading myself to just a cleaner. I realised that I was switched on to work from sunrise to sunset, I was missing out on sleep, and I certainly wasn't getting paid for all the "thinking" time in between tasks. I can already see that there will be enough work available for me and now my only responsibilities will be to show up on time and get things clean :)

Spendy McSpenderson: £1.50 on car air fresheners, which must rate among the biggest wastes of money on the planet. I think I hated the work van so much and missed my little car so much that I got a bit emotional about sitting down in Pugsley again - especially after having worked 12 days straight in the company vehicle. I have resolved that when the little hanging leaves stop smelling nice, I won't buy more, but will just attack them with one of my cheap perfumes.

Slight win: Brought home a bunch of "old" cleaning products which the company no longer uses (due to a product range change). They're likely to last years. Somehow I stopped myself bringing home 20L of "light duty cleaner" concentrate that is probably destined for the dumpster.

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