Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Marking Time

I am currently playing a game of chicken. My microwave's days are numbered (it's rusted under the turntable, is getting worse, and it's only a matter of time before it becomes so bad it begins to spark). This is because it gets such heavy use and there's often steam inside... I am far too lax in wiping it out under the plate. Anyway, they're on sale for £35 (about £15 off) on a website where I have about £20 on a gift card AND work is paying me a Christmas bonus in a few days' time which can also be spent on the same website. This would make my new microwave "free" so please cross your fingers that they're still available at that price when the bonus arrives. Thanks!

Netflix cracked down on sharing accounts a month or so ago. That meant no more freebie Netflix from a very cool friend - so it was time to decide on buying myself a cheap subscription. But then I forgot to do so and it occurred to me this week I am perfectly fine without it. I've been watching documentaries on YouTube and I still have plenty left to watch. 

During the week I pulled out a tin of minced beef and onion, from Food Club, trying to make myself use things out of the cupboard even when I don't like them. Along with a tablespoon of porridge oats, a teaspoon of gravy powder, and tins of peas and carrots, this made two meals for me and three for Little X (on baked potatoes, on toast and on potato waffles). That's really good value in my book and it was pretty tasty.

For the past few weeks I've been constantly thinking about money, and it has affected my mindset. I am feeling more at peace now that I've survived my Hell Month, but the almost-at-zero brain pattern is permeating everything I do. I'm always counting how many days worth of X I have, how many days my Y will last, can I make do without Z, can I use Q instead... there's a certain comfort in establishing new routines, but I don't know if it's good or bad overall.

It's almost Universal Credit Day. Time is now measured in Reporting Periods. UC day is where I add up what I'll need and learn whether we'll scrape by for the month, or whether I'll be whoring myself out via survey programmes. 😂 It's nothing new, but it's really getting old (pardon the pun) because by now I really thought money would stabilise so that I'd know in advance. And still, time and time again, I simply do not know until that day. It's tiring. I can still make adjustments (take extra paid leave... return an item from the middle aisle) but those are finite. I dream of reaching cruising altitude and just... sitting there. ✈

Pressies: Little X's birthday pressie from Vinted is fantastic. I also got a really brilliant toy for her from the Baby Bank for Christmas. I wasn't sure it would work properly (being electronic) but fresh batteries in and it's excellent. So at least she is sorted.

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