Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Short Exhale

For some time, I've been looking into debt management solutions and trying to apply them to my situation, but they've been unsuccessful one by one.

Consolidation loan ㄨ
Low interest balance transfers ㄨ
Debt Relief Order ㄨ
Debt Management Plan ㄨ
Individual Voluntary Arrangement ㄨ
Breathing Space ㄨ
Bankruptcy ㄨ
Defaults + lump sum offers ㄨ
Selling my flat and renting ㄨ

Every single option fails based on at least one factor. It's actually astonishing how spectacularly I fall through the cracks. 

Long story short, today I called a card issuer and made an arrangement. They massively reduced the payment. 🙏 It's wrecked my credit score I'm sure, but who cares at this point... I couldn't get a loan anyway. I now pay a lot less each month for that card. Interest and fees are all frozen and they review the situation in six months' time.

Tomorrow I call the next one. Fingers crossed they are just as obliging. 🙏I'm at a point of no return, I have to reduce my repayments even more in order to survive by cash, because my credit will be disabled. I haven't lived like that in years. It's a whole new world. 🌍 💰 

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