Thursday 28 May 2020

Somebody Bought It (Corona #19)

The flat I wanted to see, that is. They called me 30 minutes before the viewing to say that they expected the other party's offer would be accepted. On the one hand I think it's silly not to show me the flat, for all they know I might have offered the full price... but on the other hand, it wasn't the flat for me and it saved everyone wasting their time.

The "both of us having a day off" didn't happen either as J was called into work. Quelle surprise. This week, though, I took myself off to the beach for an hour. It was bliss. I almost couldn't be bothered, but eventually made myself, and I'm so glad I got myself out of the house. It's easy to forget how important it is to recharge the batteries and reset your outlook now and then.

Pictured: how deep I went into the water. (Not very.)

Tonight the lockdown has been eased and people will be allowed to meet in groups of six, providing they stay 2m apart at all times. People have been ignoring it for several weeks anyway so this will just grant a green light for people to do anything they want... I mean, you don't buy a dozen burger patties and £100 of alcohol when there's only your own family hanging out in the backyard, everyone knows what you're up to (yes, that was a purchase made this week).

Among my freebies lately were a dented trifle, three bags of mini cheeses, some fancy soups, flatbreads, mac & cheese, chocolate muffins, fabric softener and tons of bread as always. I've given up adding it up, suffice to say I rarely need spend more than £30 on my monthly groceries and I eat like a king. J, on the other hand, is living off meal deals and spending an absolute fortune, and we're going to have to have that showdown after payday this week because he could & should be saving up the pennies for an unemployed future.

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