Thursday 7 May 2020

Staying Home, Corona #17

So yesterday I started noticing that my throat felt a bit odd, and I was getting shooting pains in my ear, followed by a swollen gland. Not my favourite combination. Anyway, I stayed off work today just in case, but they've all disappeared. I can only conclude that my salivary gland was playing up but decided to unblock again (as it has done for 15 years - this is not new).

Anyway, it's actually my day off tomorrow, meaning two days off together, which hasn't happened in months on end. If I'm honest with myself I needed it, I am exhausted, and my patience with customers is wearing to the point I struggle to be my usual cheery self. One, whom I had had the audacity to politely invite to use the self-scan till, even ranted at me that if this is how customers are treated, then he would leave - to which I replied, "Ok, bye." And I have to say it was very restrained of me, but also not the most polite reply I could have given. Even though customers around us rallied to take my side, telling him that he was behaving like a child, in a perfect world (and in a less stressful time) I'd have tried to calm him down and keep him as a customer. But on Tuesday, 5th May 2020, I didn't give a shit if he buggered off forever.

Still no word on whether work will keep me beyond July, but at least for now I still have plenty of work. It's thought that Boris Johnson will lift the lockdown on Monday (or at least loosen it) and I although I think it's too soon, I also hope like hell that he does. It was warm and fine today and all I wanted to do was be out on the water. I'm also champing at the bit to buy a property and until people regain confidence in the safety of moving house, sellers aren't listing their properties.

I'd also love to get back to the gym. The sheer amount of eating that I do is insane. And I'm bored, and tired of doing nothing but work and sit at home. My wetsuit is going to forever stay a size A for Aspirational. Waaaaah, etc :D

Today's soundtrack: Sweet Disposition, The Temper Trap. No reason, I just like it.

I got two bunches of flowers free from work - a sad hunk of tulips which amazingly rallied, and a miserable bunch of roses and lillies (the roses didn't do great but the lillies are just starting to open). Cheery. :)

Pay Day Spend: £40 on fuel (whole tank - last filled on pay day week - so now I know how much fuel I use each week). Also £23 in Poundland that I'm disgusted at, which only contained a few necessities.

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