Wednesday 21 October 2020

Delicious Snack Boxes

...are no longer delicious. I'm over them completely. But for half marks I am attempting to keep at them with different contents. I am currently drinking day-over milk in my coffee and when it dies an undrinkable death, it will be "switch to UHT milk" time to use up what's in the cupboard. I am grateful for all the free cashews I have in the snack stash because they make snack boxes endurable.

Work Bestie, answering the phone to Sister Store, told them I don't want their overtime because I'm already working at Home Store today. I tried not to show irritation. I went straight over to sister store when I finished work, apologised for the "misunderstanding", and ended up working until close. It was even with my favourite crew whom I adore working with. I see bestie's point, he thought I was exhausted and knew we struggle to fill shifts because people are busy elsewhere, but I can't be saying no to the extra hours right now with these kinds of bills. I will have very little left each month after my repayments and that does not make for a cushy budget.

Neighbour From Hell was a triple team this weekend, it was his weekend with his bratling. Honestly a single room isn't meant to host three humans and I shouldn't have to listen to it through paper walls... this is my life. But I am counting down the days and this shall pass.

Weird: due to the whack timing of my payday, I got £96 for Universal Credit. I (again) don't think I'll get anything next month, but whether I do or not, it will probably be the last because (touch wood) I will then be able to tell them that I no longer have rent to pay. The loss of the rent component will take my allowance down so low that even my measly contracted work hours would reduce any UC payment to zero - for every pound earned you lose 63 pence of UC. I wonder how many MPs would be ok with an effective tax rate of 63% for working as a supermarket checkout operator? Seems equitable, doesn't it... tax the living fuck out of the absolute poorest of society. Punitive measures which work so well at enticing the unemployed to get out and find a job (sic).

Currently eating peri-peri chicken crisps for breakfast (free) with plans for mango and crumpets as snacks and crackers, salsa and chicken for dinner... possibly with green beans (all free). One perk of living alone is that if you want to eat weird dinners, you can!

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