Tuesday 6 July 2021

Un-Bear-Able Teddy

Wow, Teddy, just wow. Everything about Teddy's abysmal performance screams "sack me". Like, imagine poor behaviour and then double it, add in bad excuses plus a bald-faced lie. You get the idea. He has taken a leaf out of Sassy's book and even squirmed his way out something he was specifically told to do. I have pushed this bullshit behaviour onto Boss Lady who is actually going to start the formal process... which will never end with the great big slap that Teddy deserves, but will at least get the minimum formal recorded wagged finger.

So I'm really looking forward to four manic nights in a row again this week. Not. I hope England lose just so the stupidity slows down. I'm tired of eedjits running up to the door at five minutes to closing when the shop is still full of people and I just cannot.get.home.

Money sent - I'm officially a part-owner of the building freehold, yay it's expensive to be a company director! But this means that as soon as we get the roof and fire works done, I can think about refinancing onto a secured loan, ie, a mortgage. To my surprise I was rejected for an Agreement in Principal, even though all my existing debt would be paid off and I was only asking for 1.5x my annual salary. I think it's the payment holidays I have recently taken. So for now, I'm just waiting for my two loans to be merged and I'll concentrate on displaying regular payments for a few months, then ask again.

I'm also considering study again (Leadership and Management Diploma Level 3). I have broached it a bit with Boss Lady who agreed that it would be in line with my professional development as it would need to demonstrably be to the benefit of the business. She agreed to reduce my hours if need be so that I could get the coursework done. But at this point it would be painful financially, so it might be a while before I can move forward on it. She did laugh and say it sounds like I want to be a store manager! I pulled a face and said I hadn't chosen the Level 5 in Management, and that I wouldn't touch her job with a barge pole. (Truth. But let's see if I still say that in five years' time.) 

Free: a Curly the Caterpillar cake, which I have been munching my way through over the past three days. Those things aren't even nice, they're sickening, so why have I still done it to myself again?

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