Saturday 9 June 2018

A dose of the "unfair"s

I am struggling at the moment just a tiny little bit, with a small dose of the "unfair". Like, it's so unfair that I can't have x, y and z, when everyone else can.

It's not even luxury items that I want, to be honest, and I don't want things for the sake of looking good or keeping up with the Joneses. I think I'm wishing I could be more lazy (ironic, since this week I have been bored absolutely silly, and sick to death of the sight of even computer games). My confidence is taking a slight battering by not being at work, ie, it sort of feels that I'm not achieving much. I at least took myself off to the museum yesterday to get out of the house, so, half marks to me. Bought a pair of suitable work shoes from a charity shop, they were new so I was pleased there. Less great was that I bought a pair of sandals just because I liked them, but swings and roundabouts so they say.

We truly don't often appreciate what we have. So today I'm taking stock of the things I have and attempting to remind myself just how fortunate I am. I was tempted to eat junk for lunch, but I really should eat the fish that's supposed to be good for me... so I got out a piece of salmon and put it into the oven to bake. I made myself eat cereal for breakfast instead of bread, which I tend to eat non-stop out of laziness. The sheer number of people in this world who haven't even got bread to eat... the number of people in this country alone who can't afford any meat at all, let alone have a choice between salmon and chicken! - what a shameful thing for me to complain about!

What I need is a really big dose of therapy, and by therapy I mean a good, stern self-talking-to. I'm also going to take advantage of the Not Rain (sunshine is free) and go for a walk to buy some fruit (good for me).

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