Wednesday 27 June 2018

Things I Forgot to Mention, Again

Yes I passed my driving test first go. It would have been rather pathetic if I hadn't. I got a £180 refund from the driving school for unused lessons.

I got approved for a new credit card at a much higher limit, and at a lower interest rate. I'm still not sure how I was ever approved considering how hard it was to get anything before. But I have also cancelled my previous card. Yes it seems dumb to be applying for more credit, but I'm not spending any money - it's about improving my credit rating. One day in the distant future there will be a mortgage, but heck not while my credit rating is so meh (and I'll note, I don't owe money on any bills or loans, they just won't like me much until I have lived here a lot longer).

I've stopped hosting guests with AirBnB. This one is a long story but it has definitely occurred to me that I was knocking back employment that would clash with hosting commitments. I've made a new resolution to re-energise myself in job-hunting mode and make that a bigger priority. (Side note, it's weird being home alone while knowing nobody's in the other room.)

Holding myself to account now. Nothing else to see here...

1. My steel-capped boots have seen better days and I've been eyeing off the new styles you can buy these days that look like casual shoes. Some of my workmates have had these and I was drooling. Looked at my bank balance... looked at my steelies again and decided they can last another month or three. I bought new insoles for them instead (50p from the pound shop).

2. Turns out that the correct trousers for my new part-time job are in fact the work-trouser kind I already own, yay. Grabbed those trousers, gasped in horror at how tight they were. Stifled the urge to either buy some new ones or wear my nice new "interview" trousers while cleaning. Resorted to some less comfy ones in the interim.

3. Resolved to go on a diet immediately. This requires more vegetables in my life. Thought about what was in my fridge already... thought about my bank balance some more... skipped the shop, resolved just to stop eating so much junk and stick to eating actual meals. Came home and cooked things I already have, that is, an egg, oven chips and sweetcorn, and then ate a pear.

4. Looked for a car. Found a good prospect. Got an insurance quote. Gasped in horror. Went back and revised my car preferences and looked for different models, ages, mileage and conditions. Found a better prospect. Got an insurance quote. More horror-filled gasps. Tried a few random models. Realised my insurance cost is not going anywhere south no matter what I drive. Decided to delay car ownership.

5. Got an interview invite from prospective employer. Check location. Plan to catch bus. Check walking distance; change plans to a leisurely 45 minute walk to my interview.

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