Saturday 28 July 2018


So last week I started a second work contract in a small surgery, 1.5h each evening that I can do at whatever time suits me. My afternoon pathology lab contract on the other hand is at fixed times, so isn't compatible with a full-time job. My supervisor has been lovely about my job searching, he understands that I'll have to drop that one when the time comes.

This week he and I have been juggling keys nearly every day just to get all the "called in sick" work done around fixed-time jobs. Any jobs he can't fill, he has to do himself, and (as I'm learning) part-time workers seem to call in sick or quit due to illness A LOT. The work is solo, unsupervised, often with very expensive equipment or very sensitive information, and often with strict requirements such as infection control measures, special chemicals involved, or just fussy clients who want certain things done or left untouched. All the extra work is pocket money and it is nice to be trusted.

Even better, I have been offered a three-month full-time employment contract within a large company, starting next week as a recruitment support assistant (woohoo!). I'm pretty stoked about this, as my hope is to get some more experience in recruitment. I applied for this one even though I knew it was a temporary contract, with the hope that something permanent would come up towards the end of the three months, in the same company.

Unexpectedly, I got an invitation to interview for the role above it, which is permanent (!). Much faster than I even dreamed, and I am not sure whether I have the skills they're after just yet - but I am grateful and hopeful just the same.

On the negative side, I will have to dress for the role that I want (chuckle). My current wardrobe might not be up for that, so I will have to check out the lay of the land on my first day and decide whether I need to spend my lunch hour charity shopping for nicer clothes.

Random freebies: two windfall apples (Granny Smith), a container of blackberries, a container of what look like pale raspberries but taste different and grow on vines near the ground... cannot figure out what they are, but they're edible. And one zucchini, from a bowl which said "help yourself" at one of the jobs I did this week. A wine glass, a coffee mug, a milkshake glass and two almost-new microfibre cleaning cloths (sitting on top of a bin outside) - I collected them thinking to return the cups, but it was nowhere near any kind of cafe or bar, so they just ended up at my place. Very random I know!

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