Tuesday 31 July 2018

The Quest for "Cost Confidence"

I must admit that I struggled for a title today, and I'm not sure I got where I wanted to be. I want a phrase that sums up how it feels when you don't need to worry about paying your bills next month. Oh well, you get the feel I'm after.

So as part of that quest, I spent an entire day cleaning yesterday on a huge site - 13 hours on my feet and most of it repeatedly bending over. My everything aches, which is less than ideal considering I have three jobs to do today. At least I am not alone, I think the other nine of us will all be walking like old ladies today! I must admit that I got myself ready to pay for the bus to my two afternoon jobs. Then when I looked at the timetables, it wouldn't have saved me more than five minutes of walking anyway. Sort of amusing in a way, like the universe intervening to stop me from spending money.

On Sunday I stopped at a charity shop to look for a few bits for next week. I managed to get a nice pair of shoes and two tops for work for £11. Of course I looked at the shoes this morning and realised: there is no way I want to put any kind of shoes on today at all! :D

Anyhoo. The bills for next month will be paid. So now it's about stashing cash. Can't let the momentum slip.

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