Tuesday 30 June 2020

There's a Flat

...for sale, in a building I've seen before, which needs a very expensive new roof, and which has a terrible EPC rating (= absolutely freezing in winter with poor insulation and expensive to heat) and it needs new carpet and it's only a studio and it's overpriced and it's not in the ideal location

...and I'm annoyed because I still want it.

Why on earth am I planning where my furniture will go, in a flat that isn't the one I should be buying? I think I've got FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) because I'm behaving as if no other apartment will ever come up for sale at a good price.

Also, I'm owed some money for overpayment of tax... maybe. I got three letters with refund amounts which all contradict one another and the online system is both incorrect and lacking functionality to withdraw refunds... the help desk says yes, I'm owed a refund. But as to how much, I guess I'll have to wait and see.

Yay: Work bought me new steel-capped boots 😀😀😀 Really chuffed about this because my other ones were virtually dead.
Eh: Work has extended my contract again... for two weeks. Uh, ok. I'm told I'll "still be ok" after that, whatever that means. My organisation has a hiring freeze right now preventing me having any kind of permanent contract (so even though two permanent staffers have left, I can't have one of their contracts). Still, I'm getting quite a few shifts at our sister stores, so I'm not panicking atm.

Postscript: went to see the earlier-mentioned flat. It needed less work than expected, but also will need more insulation than expected (£££) and on a very "positive" note, it's already had offers in well above the asking price, which means it's well out of my price range and so I will be forced to behave myself.

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