Thursday 24 September 2020

Hmm Well

Manager FB-messaged me (yay official comms!) and surprise surprise another shift this week. I'm already on the equivalent of 34½ hours and the overtime-overtime will make this just under 40 - third week in a row. At least this week it's over five days instead of six. I have resolved to say no if anyone tries to touch my two days off this week. I like the overtime but I.Am.Tired.

She also says I should hear about getting shift-manager-trained in the next few weeks! Good news. The new shift leader, who got the position I wanted, has still not started and nobody knows when he's coming... including my boss. Hmm.

Absolutely zero properties on the market at 50k, still.

My credit score has been massacred from hard searches. Sigh. I've given up on this personal loans crap and gotten myself a new subprime credit card again, I'll just keep saying yes to increases.

Also applied for and got a new current account with my shitty, shitty main provider, whose shitty IT system is still shitty. It's paying a £5/month bonus if you pay for 30 things in a month, so look out self-checkout because I'll be buying a crapton of individual items to get my bonus. They have an incorrect address in the system that they've promised me has been removed four times, can't match me to my existing internet banking login and made a new one AGAIN (fml that's another phone call for me to hopefully find someone to merge them AGAIN) so now let's see if they can even manage to post out my card... I won't hold my breath, my credit card from them never arrived either... my loan application with them crashed by the way and they still hard searched me. I wonder whether it was even rejected 😂

I have installed the track and trace app for Covid-19. I fully expect to be told I've been near someone who had it. Occupational hazard of seeing 500-odd customers in a shift.

Grrr: the annoying next door neighbour has hung all her wet clothes on my airer while my stuff is in the washing machine. There's no way I'm speaking to her (I've made complaints - she isn't meant to be living there, she stinks and is noisy). So now I have to pile her stuff somewhere, take my airer to my room and seem like a jerk. Great.

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