Tuesday 23 April 2024

The Shoe Saga

Walking shoes - were too rigid across the foot, resold and broke even. 

Trainers #1 - too small. Cleaned up for resale as-is on eBay. No bids yet. 

Trainers #2 - same brand and still too small. Cleaned up and repainted toe leather with sports white. New laces. Need to photograph for sale. 

Trainers #3 - intended for me but not comfy, almost new, dirt cheap, missing laces, unexpectedly they're limited edition 😀 but also suede. 😒 I should be able to recoup the cost and the postage if I manage to clean the stain on the front. 

Trainers #4 - bargain, bought to resell. No laces, very good condition, washer time 👍

New #1 through #9 - heels and espadrilles - from a wholesaler for £22 altogether. Hopefully £100 profit from the lot but may take time to sell. 

Trainers #5 - not arrived yet but bargain, so let's hope they fit my fat feet 😁

Trainers #6 - I bought these because I made an offer then bought another instead, and then my first offer was accepted. They will be Fighting A Duel (tm) with #5 to see who are the supreme trainers. 👟

Bonus... My first posting error, an item which cost me £1.56, I sent to the wrong buyer. She said nothing (I assume her correct item also arrived). I refunded the lady who didn't get her item. Education is never free they say, I was incredibly lucky to only lose pocket change and safe to say I'll be far more careful from here on. 

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