Tuesday, 29 October 2024


It's not the first time that finances have come really close to the bone and I've scabbled for loose change to pay the bills, but this time there's a plot twist. I recalculated my earnings vs bills and the overall monthly deficit is not an amount I can realistically earn from online activities while also dealing with Little X.

I must admit that my first reaction to the figure was disappointment. I've still got tons of leave (money) to take from work, but taking more than the minimum, cuts the number of weeks that I plan to stay home with Little X. Unfortunately I think my plans need rejigging, because of the gross figure which the calculator spat out.

13 days to go and £85 needed. I haven't had either of my work paydays yet and I'm hoping both payment dates scrape in to reach what I need. I have already taken the money out of eBay, TopCashBack and a few survey sites. I haven't fallen off the tightrope, but I don't dare look down. In the meantime I've booked an extra day of work annual leave for November and we shall see how it goes... no, that doesn't cover my deficit 😂 but I will have a clearer idea of the lay of the land.

It has focussed my mind on my grocery spending, and making sure I try to shop less often. But at around £15 to £20 per week, let's pretend that will make even a 1% difference. 😂 More than that, I keep pondering when the car and loan will cease needing to be paid each month. Sadly it's still years so that ain't my exit strategy. 😂

Currently: doing surveys. Playing free bingo. Churning through investment offers two pounds at a time.

Dinner: a chicken patty thing, broccoli, and a pastry flatbread-y pizza-y thing with goat's cheese and figs, it was free from Food Club and is lovely. 😍

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