Monday 24 April 2023

No Mortgage For Me

Apparently there are no lenders prepared for both my circumstances and also a studio flat. Oh well, same old, same old, I'll have to try again once the debt has reduced a bit. On the plus side I did manage to give away my dressing table, which has freed up a bit of space for the chest of drawers and small table I that I have recently acquired. Next up I will try to offload my sofa, but that can wait until after my trip.

Money is actually really stressful right now and it's been a long time since it has played on my mind like this. I have just paid out another huge amount for the trip to Australia and it took some work to make it happen. I have already delayed paying my maintenance on the flat (and I give no fucks about making them wait) and have had to move money around the place to free up space in the right places. On top of missing three days of work, the timing is just awful. I think (hope) I will be ok for bills for the next two weeks, but I hadn't wanted to be a tightarse during this trip and I'm going to have to. 😔 Achievement unlocked: I only put £15 of fuel into my car instead of filling it up. I have never done this before, ever.

Summarily disgusted at the new mega-charity shop which opened up next to work because it had TWO whole pairs of trousers in a size 16, neither of which was any use to me, and no jeans at all. Very crap indeed.

Tomorrow I have sooo much to do before leaving and I am not looking forward to fitting it all in! 

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