Wednesday 5 April 2023

Slip-up Or Two

So I've mentioned health challenges of late and one of them is I'm not always feeling great. This week has been a bit of a struggle for me and I haven't always eaten properly, and when I have, it's been bread-heavy. Yesterday I felt like rubbish all day and finally felt slightly human at home-time... and I bought myself a cheeseburger on the way home. What can I say, I just needed to eat something I'd be able to stomach!

Anyway, here are some of the other meals from the past few days. First... a typical lunch salad for me on work days. As I'm quite lazy, the mushrooms are just torn up and thrown in, and the carrot is whole. The beetroot was a sliced jar (from Food Club a while back) and I just diced it inside the jar by throwing a sharp knife about in the liquid. Today it features lettuce and cucumber from a supermarket, but I often use pickles or sweet corn or beans instead, which I can get from Food Club.

This is a chicken tikka curry thrown in a bowl. I had the tin lurking from a previous Food Club visit, and since it's open three days a week and I can do a mini-shop there as often as I like, we're going to pretend I picked these items up in my second shop. The bread needed to be eaten. It was edible curry like this, but far too much food and I was absolutely stuffed.

There also happened to be a day I was unexpectedly held up at work and hadn't brought lunch with me, so I bought myself a reduced chicken sandwich for my lunch, and didn't need to bother with protein at dinner. Behold, again from the imaginary second Food Club visit, here is chicken soup with bread. It was really, really delicious. Usually with soup I cook some plain pasta in the microwave and throw it into the soup, but this time there was the bread, so I didn't.

The promised hot dogs. Using baguette as it's what I had. You can't see clearly but there are three hot dogs in this construction. It didn't really work and had to be reassembled as two separate breads-with-dogs-on but it tasted amazing. I bought the shredded cheese from work as Food Club doesn't sell it.

Not pictured: yesterday's lunch, which was frozen veg thrown into a cous cous packet mix. I ate it all, and regretted it all afternoon. Hence the forbidden cheeseburger. I also did try the chocolate gingerbread and it's underwhelming, but edible. I don't think I'll be buying any more of it, even if the other packets sit there in Food Club looking sad for another six months!

Remaining in my stash: all the potatoes, three "meal tins" to go with them, another Irish Stew cheat tin, tinned fruit, custard, crisps, biscuits, pasta, pasta mixes, cereal, and lots of odds and ends. While I do have frozen protein, I will try to stick to Food Club staples this week for dinners, since I'm doing this as a challenge. I've also got tinned veg, pasta sauce and kidney beans, so maybe I'll make something of those if I find some energy!

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