Sunday 1 September 2024

Hedonistic Adaptation Fail

I have found myself in that terrible place of late, the "constant wanting" mood, always thinking wistfully about physical things that I want but can't afford. It's so unhealthy and really brings the mood down. And it's not like me at all. I usually focus on the fact that I can make do with what I have for now, and then I come up with a long-term plan to change things for the better. But lately I have found myself hitting walls in the daydreaming, and considering more and more ridiculous ideas as goals.

I wonder if some people live their whole lives like this - but don't do the daydreaming and planning to get out of it? Place one foot in front of the other, go to work each day, come home to a place they're not happy in, but conclude there's no escape? How awful. I at least know that this shall pass and I will find a way. If I haven't found the way then I haven't finished solving it yet, and I need to remind myself of this more often. It's partly because we're still quarantined, I'm sure. Each day I hope will be the one when the snot fest ends 😂

I counted up my profits from the new side hustle over the past three weeks, and it looks like only £150 overall. 😔 But there's a few jobs in progress that I can't calculate until they finish. I am hoping it breaks the £170 mark in the next few days. Building it up is slow going, but there's not much else to do after Little X is asleep each night apart from housework. I'm slowly getting better at it.

I also dyed her "new" larger night nappies. I needed to stop mixing them up with her day ones. Nine lovely purple nappies are hung up to dry. There are another 12 in a different style and I still have more dye. We'll see. I'm battling to get everything washed and dried in limited space and it's not even winter yet 🤐

Accomplished: repaired the torn car seat cover and got it all clean. Installed the seat, which is huge - and the space is squeezy, so here's hoping she cooperates getting in and out. We paid £2 to vacuum and deodorise the seat under it. She never even eats in the car and the seat was nasty. All fresh now and ready to roll 🚘 

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