Wednesday 18 September 2024

Sigh (Size Large)

Today I dropped out of my English course. 😢 Why?
Childcare directories checked: 4
Websites researched: about 30
Enquiries sent: approx 20
Replies: 4
Carers with availability: 1
Number who are registered and deductible: 0
Cost for the 6 hours of the exams: £170

This would be an ongoing issue if I were to try and qualify for anything that isn't 9 to 5 work. I haven't ruled out studying something but the time is not right. 

I think this is why I've felt a bit mopey for the past few weeks. Little X has interrupted the past four lessons, I haven't had a chance to do homework or study, and the entire course has shifted to "passing the exams" which is like a doomsday clock when you don't know if you'll even be able to go. So while I feel sad right now, it's going to be a relief to no longer care if she's still awake at 5.45pm. I will focus on my side hustle. Five weeks in now and while I am not rich, it's a steady trickle and it helps. 

We went to the Baby Bank on the weekend as somehow Little X hasn't got long sleeve tops or jumpers which fit. We only found a couple, so I've also bought a few off Vinted. (How early can kids start wearing Christmas jumpers, and are Christmas pyjamas acceptable daytime attire for a baby? Asking for a friend.) I managed to offload another bag of newborn clothes. Four more to go.

They also had some cotton daytime nappies. 👍 Last year I was battling to dry the bamboo indoors, so here's hoping the new cotton ones work for us.

Currently enjoying: Little X's virus and rash. It's Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. She's mostly in good spirits but tiring quickly, and we're stuck in the house for a few days. Yay (sarcasm). 

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