Tuesday 30 January 2018

It Won't.Go.Away.

Let's pretend I snapped before eating.
I thought I was getting better, but the flu has had other ideas and moved (with a vengeance) into my nose, and laughed its way maniacally into my chest. Oh, it's hilarious alright, I've now been forced back off work and thus off the payroll until I stop hacking up a lung. Sigh. I suppose I should appreciate saving the 3.60 in train fare each day that I stay home? Haha.

I did manage to get five lemon curd donuts this week for 16p. Imagine, if you will, that it was something I actually needed. (But they were good, though.)

My washer has been delivered and installed! Although it will take me about a year to recoup the savings compared with visiting the launderette, I think it's worth it for my general sanity. And if I'm honest it hurt psychologically to feed four pounds into the machine for each load and another five to get my sheets dry. No, a tumble dryer is not thrifty and it's not environmentally responsible; but drying my large stuff inside in an unheated living room in England is just not happening!

I had my eye on a small chest of drawers this week, and remembered I had gift vouchers to use from work. Late last year I nabbed a seasonal product on sale that came with vouchers included - spending £10 to get £20 in vouchers, and they needed to be used, so here we are. I also got my standard staff discount applied. End result is that I got a £25 chest of drawers for £11.66. Not bad!

This weekend, providing I'm actually well enough, I shall be taking a trip north to visit friends, meaning some spending on travel, accommodation and entertainment will be a thing. Hardly ideal given my low income of late, but friends are important and who wants to die rich without any fun in this life? :)

Friday 19 January 2018

I have the flu.

So I've decided to embrace it as an opportunity to be frugal, because I'm staying indoors out of the cold and I'm eating what's already in my kitchen. That works, right? Right? (Never mind the lost income as I don't get sick pay just yet, never mind the cost of medication...)

I had a message from one of my biggest current bills - ok, let's call it a debt - it was a deadline that I really didn't like. Anyone will tell you not to ignore these things and hope they go away. So I tried to sort it today, only to discover I'd been given the wrong person to call, and the poor lady suffered as I dissolved into a coughing fit and had to hang up on her! Ah, if only we got points for trying :)

Friday 12 January 2018

Small Treats

The purpose of a crumpet is to hold as much butter and honey as possible.

I was thinking about my bank balance last night (and such thoughts are not generally very pleasant ones) and pondering that all the "money" I have is pre-allocated, and I really won't be able to spend anything extra until pay day. The thing is, since today is my precious Day Off™ after eight days of working in a row, I felt like I "deserved" something special.

Anyway, before I even got very far on that thought, I had a huge long sleep in then ate crumpets for a late breakfast. And the funny thing is, I've lost the urge to treat myself - I'm quite content enough already. Crumpets are good. Lazy days are good. Vanilla-scented candles are good. Coffee in a warm room while Skyping a friend, that's good too.

Sometimes we're so fixed on blowing wads of cash that we forget how to appreciate simple things!

I have everything I need. There's credit on my electricity, there's food in my fridge, there's a supermarket card for any extra essentials, there's cash for the train. I don't need to panic about that bank balance. Breathe.

Now I just need to figure out what to get a friend for their birthday gift!

Monday 8 January 2018

Random Disappearing Act

Firstly I hope everyone had a lovely holiday break :) I spent Christmas Day by myself, relaxing at home (well most of it) and then got an out-of-the-blue invite to go away for a week. So I threw caution to the wind and I went... throwing a bunch of savings into a plane ticket. Yes it burned a hole in my pocket but the accommodation and meals were very kindly paid for me, and really, what's the point of being frugal all year if you never get to have any fun?

So you'll have to forgive me that this blog was a little bit (totally and completely) forgotten while I was soaking up sunshine and drinking cocktails by the pool.

It has been a difficult few days back at work. I've been working outdoors in the cold promoting our store, and while I have loved talking to the public about what I do, I have to admit that the allure of a warm coffee shop has won me over a few times. Five degrees, darkness and wind, they're really not that much fun all day. Sure, it's one thing to bring a flask from home but when you know you could be thawing out at a table inside with your workmates, it's so hard to resist (and I failed). I'm not rude enough to sit there without at least buying a cuppa, so I bought one, even though I ate my sandwiches from home.

Also a takeaway once, but at least I used a voucher. And also cookies with it. And also more coffee. Also.

As an aside I did get cashback for my plane ticket!