Tuesday 8 December 2020

Covid Swabs: Not Recommended

But hey, it certainly wasn't as bad as I had expected. I needed this done so I can go in for my operation. The nurses were lovely, I went to a drive in centre, it was all over in five minutes. Unfortunately while swabbing my throat I gagged and basically coughed straight at her, mortifying, and even though I don't think I put her at risk, not that nice for the poor lady. The nose part was actually really easy and not nearly as uncomfortable as expected.

All going well I will hear nothing, and go in for my surgery on two days' time. I'm a bit apprehensive in case it is more physically demanding than I expected. I've kinda realised too late that I'm not supposed to do any heavy lifting for two weeks... a bit late to be telling the boss hey? They'll get a nice surprise next week when I simply apologise but someone else will need to unload the lorry. We are equal and yet somehow it is just expected that it's ME who does the heavy unloading. Well, they'll just have to pull their weight for two weeks.

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