Sunday 27 December 2020

Theory For Today

I hope everyone had a nice Christmas. I didn't do so well and ended up cancelling plans, to spend time with my duvet instead. The thing about being ill is that when self-care takes up your entire day, you don't have much time to dwell on feeling lonely!

I have been pondering a theory, of late. It occurred to me today that doctors and scientists have produced something of a miracle by making several Covid vaccines happen in less than a year. It's amazing what you can do when the world faces abject misery and people are motivated for change.

So my idea is this. All surgeons should be immediately given the procedure they did to me.

They will then go through this agony and this will motivate them. Within a year they will have found an alternative which does not turn patients into toddlers struggling to potty train themselves. The discovery will be miraculous.

What an invention.
I have told work I need at least another week off. While the pain has settled back into 7/10 territory, and is not constant (right now I am only at 2/10), the problem is that I simply can't adult effectively. I can't timekeep - I need to visit the supermarket before it shuts and I was so relieved to see that I had four hours to manage this. I cannot predict how my innards will behave. I will be thinking I'm fine and then am ravaged by inner murder with only seconds to get myself to a loo. And then I'll curse my guts for 30, 45 minutes, maybe longer, and feel like my life is spent staring at tile walls.

It seems so juvenile to be missing work because I might have to spend an hour on the porcelain throne. Or not actually make it in time. But here we are.

I have also pondered more than once whether humans really need to eat (surely not). However, in view of the fact I didn't really eat much yesterday, I ended up making a concoction of broccoli and half a tin of stewed steak. I managed to make it to the local shop to get coins for my electric meter. I also had a bath, which was wonderful, and felt like my day ended on a better note than it began.

Time to snuggle up warm in bed while the storm howls outside, and to enjoy some quality Netflix entertainment in the form of Bridgerton.

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