Saturday 10 April 2021

Crazy Days, Lazy Days

This model is called the
Jump Starter Thingy 4000.
So Pugsley just randomly decided not to start this week, at 1pm in the afternoon. No reason, he was cranking over just fine but wouldn't start. Curses... it took me ages to install the road service app, only to be told my policy couldn't be found. Got them on the phone and they took an hour to arrive. I finally rock up to work two hours late - it was lucky that both Boss Lady and Work Bestie were in and could hold the fort.

Nice mechanic man had no reason for me apart from really cold weather, since the battery is fine. I'm unconvinced, his jump starter thingy produced a faster crank noise than Pugsley ever has. I think I will buy my own jump starter thingy. (Yes, that's the technical name for it.)

Then yesterday was One Of Those Days. I walk into work at 5am and the floor is a mess, but it will have to wait because I need to bake the pastries and bread. Before I manage to get them onto the shelves, the delivery arrives. Before we get the delivery finished, reps start arriving - one from a soft drink company, another from a card company. Then a maintenance man turns up and needs to be escorted all over the place. I start trying to get cakes onto the shelves, and the lady from coffee company is here to audit our coffee machine, followed by GrandBoss (surprise visit yay...) who spent quite a bit of time discussing the state of the floor, and general store standards, and giving me instructions on moving shelves about. At this point Boss Lady texted me from home to say that the safety and legal auditor might be in... great, just great. I didn't have much time to worry though because suddenly he arrived, and that meant two hours of blind panic as I worried whether I'd give the right answers.

All this time, Tinkerbell, Poppet and CareBear just got on with things and the store managed to run itself. They even looked after customer enquiries, coordinated their break times between them and kept milk and bread topped up on the shelves. I am so lucky to have a good team of cashiers. Turns out I only answered one thing incorrectly in the audit (which was fairly minor and not a safe or legal issue) and we have absolutely no safety or legal concerns anywhere. Yay team! And ohmigod what a relief.

By then it was 4.30 in the afternoon and I was so tired and mentally exhausted, and, well, starving, that I bought a ready meal. Bad girl. But the next day was a "get stuff done" day and incredibly productive all over the store. So I'm trying to redeem myself tonight by eating from the freezer - dinner was smoked salmon and goat's cheese on a herb wrap with a fresh chocolate éclair (all free). Salmon isn't my favourite thing but the price was right 😁

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