Sunday 2 May 2021

April Bonus Moneys

£5.00 ShopPrize (Amazon)

£5.00 SwagBucks

£0.42 Book Royalties

£0.20 StreetBees (for the life of me I don't understand how they cover the payout transaction costs)

£20.00 TopCashBack (Tesco voucher) most of this was from using the site to find my home insurance

£20.10 Prolific Academic - I forgot to cash it out last month

So fifty quid. Not bad.

The mammoth pile of unprocessed receipts finally made me feel guilty enough to start popping them in, and to my absolute disgust some of them were too old to go onto any of my cashback apps 😖 Bad, bad, bad. Throwing away money through laziness...

My power use has been higher than expected. I shouldn't be surprised, because when I do a realistic calculation in comparison to my old place, it's exactly what it should be. I think maybe I'd pretended that being in fulltime work would mean I use a lot less power. But it's still very cold without the heating on when I'm home, and I think I'd rather spend the money and not be cold!

Ten days after payday I had already spent my entire months' grocery money. Some of it went on cutting a spare key, some on a 12-pack of Coke, some on more nutritional stuffs that I needed, and some just on ready meals. I somehow managed to miss my £5 bank bonus too which I'm not happy about because it sure looks like I qualified, but I expect that the cut-off date was earlier than I thought. Anyway, forcing myself to put all additional groceries onto the credit card has been useful in making me think twice. (I have the money in my current account, but doing it this way and paying in full does tend to keep me in check.)

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