Wednesday 19 May 2021

Green Fingers

Here's hoping.
Well let's get real, I tend to kill plants more often than not. But work has been selling "grow boxes" of ground cover plants and flowers, and this week Tinkerbell and I attempted triage on a few wilted hunks of plant life - a day later most had revived from their little drink, but a few looked rather sorry for themselves. I rearranged the boxes to make one "sad case" box and I've brought that home. I spent £4 for some potting mix and I have "liberated" a couple of empty flower buckets from work. 😂 I'm going to saturate the plants again here for another couple of days then pot everything up and throw the buckets under my bay window 😊 so fingers crossed they survive and provide a little bit of colour.

As expected Annoying Face has gotten the job. I have decided to try harder with my grin-and-bear-it routine. She's still a scatterbrained pain in my arse, but hey, she usually doesn't mean to be so annoying. She bought donuts for the team to celebrate her promotion, which was a nice thing to do. I've just come to accept that after she's been in, there will be rearranging, tidying and item-hunting to be done. But hey, I'm still learning myself and I know that I sometimes drive my colleagues mad. We are all still doing too much with too-few human-hours of cashiers to assist us... Head Office are continually throwing little extras our way and we're just expected to add these to our task list and pluck the time required out of thin air. Every staff member has about 5 hours of training to do by next week - which is my responsibility to coordinate - but when I only have one cashier working with me most days, that's near impossible to schedule. Ho hum.

Good news though, I now have a new rota filled with two-day breaks and I am Over.The.Moon. I actually get my two days off together 👏🎈 mostly Sunday/Monday. Finally. Thank Dog. Three months of higgledy-piggledy weeks has been hard going.

The fish and chip shop lady dropped in a little parcel last night - I had a lovely piece of battered fish and a sausage for dinner, yum. There's still enough for lunch today.

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