Saturday 22 May 2021

Worked To The Bone?

Just like the rest of us, Boss Lady looks exhausted. She has become the Head Teacher's Pet, complete with a new little subtitle, and is continually being called away to other stores to fix things, leaving our store to sort of pilot itself. She even gave me a card and a scratchie this week as a thank you for keeping things ticking over, which was lovely. In a way it is a real plus that our store is considered to be so well-oiled that we can survive without a manager 😂 since before Boss Lady, our store had a dodgy reputation. The security auditor has done another audit - they now last for hours and are horrendous! - and she started with us, wanting to begin with the store that's the best-run. Glowing pride right there. 😀

We're struggling with cashier cover thanks to several staff on long-term sick leave. But our temps Sassy and Teddy just cba with dealing with this place and it's driving me nuts, I keep phoning them to cover shifts and get complete disinterest. I've called it to Boss Lady's attention - she asked whether we should even keep them, and I've told her no. So she's going to let them go when their contracts expire, and recruit two newbies. They're both nice enough people but they aren't spectacular employees and we need humans who make working a priority in their lives. They are both young and it's a good lesson to them, if you don't want to work then plenty of people are waiting to take your job.

And for months now we've struggled with emergency duty manager cover due to not really having anyone suitable. But Grace, insanely capable and intelligent, has been completely overlooked by Boss Lady, who just assumed that Grace is Going Places™ via university. I asked Grace if she might like to help out, and got a yes - Boss Lady is absolutely over the moon with that idea. So she's going to retrieve the training list for duty cover and I'll somehow pull a rabbit out of my hat and find the time to train Grace on the bare minimums. Wish me luck with that rabbit.

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