Friday 14 May 2021

No More Room my stomach for more food that is. Tonight: spaghetti carbonara, potato salad (ok this was 10p) and a green smoothie. And there was supposed to be a free ice cream but I'm stuffed, so that's for another day.

(the next day)

The previous owner had bought a new shower head and left it loose in the bathroom. I tried attaching it to the hose that's already in place, but it doesn't quite screw in. Undoing the other end requires disassembly of the power shower unit and taking it off the wall, as the hose attachment is hidden. But I didn't get as far as bothering, because when I turned it on to see whether the shower head was screwed on "good enough", the unit started leaking water out of the switch. Heebie-jeebies right there. It's ancient, I never use it and I keep it disconnected from the power anyway - so this is one item placed on the backburner for, like, forever. I'll replace it when I sell my flat, or if I decide to replace the whole bathroom.

I've now bought a little rubber shower attachment for my bathtub for £5. It will do the job nicely.

Dinner: smoked salmon wrap with salad leaves, plastic cheese and salsa. I don't much like salmon but this was a nice combo and cost me 30p for the cheese.

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