Monday 31 May 2021

Checked. Out.

I have finally wrangled Grace's training documents and the training can now begin, yay. Then I discovered two training exams sat by our cashiers with the answers written on word-for-word. Great. Thanks guys, those will look fabulous to our legal team, won't they? I'll just file them into our training records I'll just make them sit the exam again...

Demi Boss also had a mini meltdown this week after walking into one of AF's warehouse cyclones. It's the first time I've seen DB actually lose it and vent frustration about AF. AF also gave her a lecture... so DB spoke up sharply that afternoon. I am not even sure that AF realised she was being told off...

AF has also broken our main alarm panel by brute force. This meant expensive new locks and the shop had no burglar alarm for three days last weekend. I hope there was a lecture involved at the very least. Work Bestie said it should be a job warning but let's get real here - at least we can laugh at that idea.

I responded to the workplace shenanigans by going on a weeks' time off (pre-booked of course) and I know the timing is abysmal - and I did apologise that I was even going - but there's no budget to pay me to work instead, and I'm close to burnt out and I'm not even the one doing the most work. So far I've sat about, played games, washed up and potted another black flower tub with freebie plants. I lack the energy to do much else.

But I did actually go purposefully shopping, which I do less than once a month. So I've enjoyed a 69p frozen chicken curry (full price!), along with free chocolate muffins and free pineapple.

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