Monday 30 August 2021

Hey, Watch It

My awesome little workhouse watch has become a little bit too comfortable in its job, that is, its performance has gone downhill and it no longer accurately performs ITS ONLY JOB ie it loses time every day even with a new battery. Sad times. Hahaha, get it, times. Ugh, what a dad joke. Anyway I'm a bit bummed because it's metal and has survived many bashings from steel cages at work without shattering, but hey. I have ordered a new watch, £5 with stopwatch and date and possibly even magic included, thinking that I can use it for timing myself at the gym. It's plastic though and I'd really like one for work, so there's a metal "respectable" watch sitting in my basket and I'll decide later.

I also went charity shopping this week and picked up four nice tops. Total cost £21 but since it's something I haven't done for more than a year, I think I'm excused.

One of the humans that I vaguely socialised with this week has tested positive for Covid. I'm negative at the moment, and since we all we did was sit at the same table, here's hoping that I stay negative. We are all jabbed, so it isn't likely to make us seriously ill, but she is definitely having a horrible time stuck in bed and doesn't recommend the illness in any way.

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