Wednesday 1 September 2021

Good Times!

I'm a little bit snotty and clearing my throat a lot. I'm... vaguely aware of an achy chest and unsure as to whether I have a diminished sense of taste. I took an allergy tablet but I am still very unsure as to whether I'm getting ill. I don't feel fluey and don't have a temperature. The rapid antigen home kit says negative. But I have ordered a home PCR testing kit (the big gun) which is far more accurate and should arrive tomorrow.

I got stuck into my kitchen, cleaned it and cooked up six meals just in case I begin to feel absolutely rotten.

The app has pinged me and told me to isolate for 9 days, which is ironic since I am double jabbed and don't even have to self-isolate. I will go into the Big Supermarket tonight when it is dead quiet, buy myself milk and bread, use the self-scan while wearing mask and gloves, and lather everything in hand gel. And then I shall stay the heck at home until I know.

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