Friday 15 July 2022

Almost Annoying

One of my interest-free credit card periods comes to an end next week. And me being me, I just procrastinated on it and paid every spare cent into it, vainly hoping it'd somehow magically be knocked down to zero in time on my pauper's wage 😄

Spoiler alert: it has not.

Anyhoo, last night I got a notification that I was 100% qualified for a new 16-month balance transfer card. So I started the application, waiting for my denial, but no! I have a brand new shiny card arriving in the mail and I shall use it to transfer my balance again and concentrate on chipping away at the loan.

Bonus info: right now I am about £8k ahead in repayments on the loan, and having parts of it on interest-free cards instead is projected to save me a whopping £17,000 worth of interest over the life of the loan. Because this loan has fixed repayments, the other way to look at it is that it would be paid out four-and-a-half years early. Get in 👌

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