Tuesday 26 July 2022

Almost Enough

In what is hopefully good news, Big Boss asked me today if I would like a bigger contract, and says he will sort out the paperwork. 👍

That will be a nice relief, assuming it all goes forward. I have mostly been getting close to the income I need, but having a contract which will cover bills is going to make things less stressful. It should kick in by the end of August.

I have come to accept that simply eating expensive protein bars will not reduce my weight by magic. So I have decided to cut them down. In their place I will arrange other snacks with slightly fewer calories. Wish me luck and wish me discipline.

Unease: There's another interest-free period ending in a months' time, and I don't have a new interest-free arrangement lined up to switch it to. I am not thrilled about redrawing from my loan, but that looks like the plan. Mainly I just liked the psychological boost of seeing it down to only 13k owing. I must remember that it will be down there again eventually.

Adulting: currently eating ancient frozen vegetables to use them up. I am also armed with small containers of Nesquik for work, as I realllly need to stop buying flavoured milk for my workday lunches, even if it is yummy.

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