Saturday 23 July 2022

Supermarket Lasagne Hack

If (like me) you purchased two frozen lasagne dinners from Big Supermarket and were dismayed to discover that they taste like cardboard, never fear! I have the perfect hack for you. Simply take a little bit of ketchup, and spread it neatly across the top of your cardboard lasagne. Just like that, it's edible!

Hack #2: Brown sauce on your chicken makes it taste like you're not eating the same dinner twice in a row.

It turned out that I did get a few extra hours this week. Enough to cover essentials. But I'm tired of working over five separate days, and never getting two days off together. It's been like this for six weeks running when I could be doing the work over three and having proper time to myself.

Waaah, I sound like a complainypants! Must remember that I'm lucky to have the hours that I've got.

I have received my shiny new card and made transfers about the place, which have not actually landed yet because it's the weekend. Lunch today was a cheese omelette with vegies, and was really tasty. Adulting: rinsed off my car and put air in the tyres for once.

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