Monday 11 July 2022

This And That

I got off my behind and tidied up my plants. Not all of them, but some.

I also did a few surveys for a few pennies into my PayPal.

This weeks' pay was a good one and affords a little bit of breathing space (not much, but, it was 10 hours of overtime and I need four each week to break even). Next week will be decent too. The following week is five days of 4h shifts, none of which end at closing time 😭 This is bad. 4h shifts have no break, so I can't shave time off my breaks to get extra pay, and the closing-time shifts always run into overtime. Sigh. I will have to hope I get called in to cover a sick call.

I unexpectedly met DilEmma in person, as she showed up unannounced to get a new fire risk assessment done. This sounds like DilEmma is considering doing her job, but realistically, we'll see whether anything actually gets fixed.

I sorted out my DIY tumble dryer sheets today. My flat smells absolutely lovely! Eight cheap facewashers were procured from my work for the tidy sum of £2.09, which happens to be only ten pence dearer than ONE box of tumble dryer sheets. And considering I've had three huge bottles of softener from Old Work for ages, I'm not even going to count the cost of the liquid for at least a year.

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