Monday 12 August 2019

I Miss Hospitality.

There's another flat I'm looking at right now and I can't help myself. I started thinking about hosting again. It even happens to be a flat that's currently on the AirBnB site. Want.

I think my self-confidence has taken a hit this week. I'm suddenly convinced that nobody will even give me a mortgage. Or that the caravan will never sell. (I did relist it today and got a handful of enquiries almost immediately. We will see.)

Some weeks I struggle to come up with anything to blog about - because when you don't go out much and you don't buy much, it all becomes a bit routine! :D

I bought nothing like this.
I did have a Spendy McSpenderson moment today where I went shopping online for dresses, something I've been thinking about for a while, mainly because I don't really have any casual dresses if I want to be a level above "ragamuffin" without looking overdressed. The shopping was good and bad. I did get a new pair of trousers which I need for work and they were only £3.00. I did also find a lovely dress for £7.00. Unfortunately I didn't stop at one dress and we won't discuss what the total came out as except to wonder aloud... what was I thinking with such a dry bank account right now? As in, it's still 13 days to payday and I'm barely into the three figures.

I had another good week for tips and I don't need any more electricity for the moment, so the question is where to put this cash? I barely go to the supermarket anymore and depositing cash is not really a thing because let's face it, nobody likes going near an actual bank branch. I have resolved to try harder to spend it on, um, fruit, milk and biscuits.

I will shortly need to buy shoes as I've almost walked through the bottom of my trainers. I have decided to get the same exact ones, but unfortunately I can't read the size, meaning a very annoying phyiscal trip into the store to try them on instead of ordering them online. Dull!

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