Friday 9 August 2019

The Holy Grail

You know, despite the fact that this blog is about frugality (and thus, indirectly, it's about money), I do think that the most important thing in this life is to learn to be content within yourself. I think I can say that.

Even though I missed two great properties this week, I am ok.
Even though there's almost nothing in the bank, I have enough.
Despite my lack of overflowing funds, life is good.

A friend gave me a gift card he can't use this week. In return I bought us two raffle tickets each in aid of Musgrove Hospital. I am really not a gambler, but it was for charity and I thought, well it's a small gesture to say thank you. He was convinced he'd win the golf lessons and I thought he might win the ladies' toiletries pack. I just wanted the pink gin. So I've been telling everyone at work that they're not allowed to win the pink gin, and guess what? We both won... me the bottle of pink gin, him a bottle of scotch whiskey. We have declared it the best gift card swap ever.

I have had a few unexpected tips from work, too, and I decided that having cash sit around is a waste, so my tips are now my power money and the electricity key is all topped up nicely. I haven't had to buy groceries apart from milk in quite a while... I do love free food, it rocks. Sunday sees me bringing home the leftover bread rolls and all I really seem to need at home are some pot noodles and fruit. Working almost every day does have its perks! And the number of hours I'm getting has exceeded all my expectations.

I know it will drop off later in the year, but that's ok. For now, it's ok just to be ok :)

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