Thursday 15 August 2019

Plod, plod?

Boooo. But not this kind of boo.
Annoyed at how slow my credit rating is moving. Experian has even given me a handy helper thingy telling me pearls of wisdom like that I should keep my credit card balances under £10. This has to rate as perhaps the most idiotic idea I have ever seen. Almost nobody who actually uses their card actually does that. That Expedia think people should be judged poorly for the fact it's in use (and not at 0) just defies belief. The thing is, these companies take a snapshot of your credit card at any random day of the month. The only way for them to see a zero is to pay off the credit card before you even get billed. Or more accurately you spend money then immediately go and transfer the funds over onto the card.

Making the card pointless.

I'm also annoyed at the long delay in updating my score. I paid them all to 0 and have since used the cards for bills (as normal) which will be cleared as soon as they are due (also normal) and now I've discovered that Expedia still thinks that's not good enough and that "great news", my score will improve over the next three months if I keep them under £10. Booooo.

This week I bought/received: stainless steel double shot measure jigger, 99p from eBay. I have excused this as "homework" so that I can mix new drinks at home. Tape measure 99p because I can't buy clothes online if I can't measure myself first (it was two for 99p, so the other one is in my "selling box"). Also awesome magic hair bun creator thingy which was also 99p but will work much better when my hair's a big longer. And four pains au chocolat for 35p which I most assuredly did not need since I can eat cake at work.

I have resolved to stop saying yes to every single meal offered to me at work, but I fear I may be too late, as a carvery lunch was presented to me yesterday without me even asking... they already know I'm going to want it!

My bread rolls got binned however, because I wasn't fast enough to squirrel them away. Sad face. The downside to having kitchen staff who like a tidy work environment!

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