Friday 23 August 2019


Seat covers do not fit. Fortunately they are still in the returns period. I guess Pugsley is only having the new shoes and not the new underwear. On the plus side that's £27 back in my pocket.

Speaking of Pugsley, I have been thinking of buying a bigger car. I have no rational reason for playing the "I want" game. My "I want" list could easily get so huge that it would take my entire life to buy it all. I really need to focus on what I should be aiming for. I mentioned my dream car to a friend, and she immediately said, "Yes, but be realistic." It was exactly what I needed to hear from someone who has the same tight budget as I have! Mind you, she then told me that he wants to upgrade her own rather nice car, so it clearly doesn't apply to her :D

My Experian account is now telling me that I should keep my credit card balances at £0. Facepalm.

I've been a bit up and down mood-wise of late and it's occurred to me that it's my lack of a current "project". While I was a gym-goer that was great for my mood - and now that my only real goals involve patience and standing still until things improve, I'm antsy. I think that's why I keep pondering walking the Camino de Santiago (a pilgramage across Spain that takes a month to walk). Goodness knows that a month off work is not practical anytime soon!

My tips are still building up in the form of coins that need to be spent. They're now officially my petrol money on top of my electricity money.

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