Saturday 11 July 2020

Daytime Adventuring

Son J and I went out for the day today - he's only in town another few weeks and thanks to this covid-19 pandemic, has barely done anything social or touristy at all. While driving there (and looking for a parking spot) I ended up in one of the waterfront streets, filled with pastel-coloured B&B row houses and overlooking the parklands, beach and cliffs. He was awestruck, noting what a lovely place this is. I reflected on the fact he lives a 20-minute walk away but without us having a reason to go, we hadn't made the time... I truly do live in a lovely part of the world.

Anyway, I digress. We went to an outdoor museum, which had some gorgeous gardens and displays. Took lots of photos (which would unfortunately identify where we live) and had a picnic lunch together. Businesses really do seem to have pulled out all the stops despite coronavirus, this one had signs and arrows everywhere, painted markers on the footpaths, and had blocked off certain walkways to force people to follow a one-way system. On the whole most people did exactly as they should. Bravo. This will probably become the new norm, so it's good to see most people "getting" it.

Admission: about £30 between us. But that's ok, we could clearly see that the museum costs a lot to create and to maintain, and we did have a nice couple of hours.

Lunch: free bagels, free chicken loaf, free lettuce, free chocolates from the museum, yellow-stickered cupcakes, and a couple of cans of coke from my massive stash. Five minutes of preparation this morning before I left the house, plus it was inexpensive and not difficult to carry with us. Even if I'd had to buy all the fixings myself, I reckon it cost about a pound each. I looked around at all the people having expensive cafe lunches and takeaway coffees and I thought: ok it was convenient, but that just doubled the cost of your outing today!

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