Thursday 30 July 2020

Stable and Scheduled

In brilliant news, I'm to be made permanent. A combination of staff leaving and us being awarded extra man-hours for our store means it can finally be a thing, and my manager has gone ahead and put it in motion without even getting approval from his boss. ♥ It might only be a tiny contract but it's something. I have never gone more than about a week without extra work, and this sudden mass-exodus has left us with a fair few shifts to cover. Plus I'm still getting hours offered from two of our sister stores.

J and I have booked to go Kayaking and Stand-Up Paddleboarding. It's costing us £30 each for each activity, but he's not here for long and we're getting some quality activities in while we can. We're also thinking about a picnic lunch for tomorrow at the local parklands.

I brought home free salmon steaks and a tray of roasting vegetables plus a pack of mushrooms, which J kindly cooked up for me in his flat. He hasn't cooked for so long and he enjoys it. The food was delicious and of course I forgot to take a picture! It's so nice to have a really delicious, healthy and free meal in good company. I also got pork steaks, breakfast cereal, and cake. Plus there were mini watermelons, plums, lettuce, tomatoes, guacamole, bread and of course the usual dozen sandwiches which I left for my housemates downstairs.

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