Wednesday 26 August 2020

Pay Goes Up, Pay Goes Down

I had given so many overtime shifts to J that I expected my pay next week to be low - but I am pleasantly surprised to see that it will be acceptable. Even more amazing, I have received a partial Universal Credit for last month. It's only £20 but that's still something. There was no deduction for my UC debt, either, which was a bit odd. But that's fine by me, an interest-free loan can happily wait till later.

I went into work to put myself down for some overtime today. Yeah there's a paradox - they have finally made me permanent, from 9 up to 12 hour contract, but because they've changed my days and times, I will only be £5 better off and it will also make it more difficult for me to do overtime shifts (they will clash with my new, weird hours). As always, I am the only one volunteering on the overtime board, three more times. I had to move a sister store shift so I could rescue my own store and am now working six days this week. Plus ça change. I have applied for a one-year temporary post as a shift leader. I figure I have nothing to lose.

Properties are still appearing, unsuitable or too expensive, but this is still a good sign. I am still waiting for the legal pack for the studio I want to bid on. I need to curb my enthusiasm. I can't rent a bedroom out in a studio, so I need to be confident I'm not going over the price of the cheaper one-bedders out there. The 50k half-bed has just SSTC, so I am hoping the studio shit heap is only worth 35. Except it's the cheapest on the market and all the "stretchers" like me can't opt for the one-bedder. Booo.

I wait.

Yellow stickered: toilet rolls, flour, salsa.

Free: eggs, potatoes, limes, clementines, rump steak.

Spendy McSpenderson: nylon swim shorts, neoprene lightsuit. Annoyingly, the lightsuit was far too big AND had a faulty zipper, so I've had to buy a smaller one and wait to see what the seller says about the bigger one.

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