Sunday 1 November 2020

October Earnings

£10 SnapMyEats (I forgot to redeem this in September... see, I told you there was one)

PA £5.48

Storewards £2.00

Because I missed so much work due to that lurgy, I've been saying yes to all the overtime I can get. Yesterday I worked 8am until 11.15pm. This morning, I got up after 7 hours of sleep, ate breakfast and then thought I'd have a nap. I woke up six hours later!!! Obviously a bit of a waste of my one day off, but it seems like I needed the sleep. 

We are going back into lockdown. I already have more OT lined up and who knows what happens next... the store started getting busy even when the lockdown was just a rumour.

My main idiotic bank has locked one card and still can't get itself together to send out the other one. #standard really!

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