Saturday 23 January 2021

I Have A Date!

Not that kind of date. I have a date for exchange and completion on my flat 😊😊😊 So in one week's time, all going well, I shall be a homeowner again! Finally. Thank dog. In my paranoia I've done a money transfer from my credit card - not excruciatingly expensive, thankfully - but I just want a buffer to ensure I have a bit extra so that I don't hold up the sale if I've forgotten any fees needing paid. Solicitor is supposed to email me a cost breakdown in the next couple of days. Once I get the keys I will start hunting for a painter and a carpet fitter. I know that if I don't do them now, I'll never get around to it (and let's be real, with 3m ceilings the painting would take me months and probably never get finished).

Work has had more interesting turns. Boss lady says that the two positions "belong" to me and Annoying Face (!!) unless there are transfer applications. I really do think that AF is going to beat me on experience. In the end I have applied for both. It won't be my own boss who interviews and decides. At the very least there's always overtime, so financially, I will be ok.

Mood: good. Life is good.

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