Wednesday 13 January 2021

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Hrm, all the things that fit the title of this post can be seen in several different ways. So I guess I can just do a general update of all the things that are good, bad and ugly.

A supervisor position has opened up at work which I'm not trained for. So I decided to have a "showdown" with the boss about the fact that we decided I should be trained up, six months ago. She claims she just let me down, I argued that if I had looked like a supervisor she'd have remembered to move me forwards. So that was an impasse but ended with us sort of on good terms. I am mostly just annoyed that this position will probably go to a colleague named Annoying Face, who in my unbiased opinion isn't the right fit for the job.

On the plus side, those colleagues went to bat for me massively and talked the boss into giving me some experience. She rostered me on to actually do the role for two shifts, but so many procedures are in people's heads and not written ANYWHERE (multiple routine things, like the code for deactivating the burglar alarm, how to record absences in the log book, where they even keep the log book, and how the hell you lock that sticky office door, etc etc etc). Two of those colleagues are coming in ON THEIR DAYS OFF during those shifts just to make sure I don't sink spectacularly. I cannot get over how incredibly kind they are and I don't quite know how to thank them.

G, B & U 2: Solicitor is still slower than a wet week, full of excuses and broadly lacking in competence. Has now gone on annual leave three times in as many months and the senior partner snapped at me that properties are averaging 20 weeks due to "Covid" when I asked what's going on. We are now at week 12 and they've only just noticed that the building owner hasn't granted written permission to sell. On the plus side, most questions and papers have been sorted and I have paid the deposit with a view to bloody well getting to exchange.

G, B & U 3: Back to being door bitch again essentially fulltime - they've put me in place and will scramble to cover my own regular checkout shifts somehow. This time it's to enforce masks or ask them to display an exemption. I do mostly quite enjoy this role, believe it or not. People are mostly kind and appreciative and know it's not an easy job to do. But hey, some people arrive spoiling for a fight don't they...

G, B & U 4: I have more energy. I'm feeling better in general, less shaky less often, and not exhausted after three hours of standing still. I'm better able to adult - mostly. But the pain is still pretty bad when it does hit, and I don't seem to be healing very well. Having been thrown back into fulltime work as of today, it's just struck me tonight that I am not sure I'll be able to organise myself to be able to deal with that every day. I am still a slave to the loo without warning, and I'm anxious about possibly needing to run off at work for half an hour :( 

G, B & U 5: Procedure has changed and all surplus food now gets offered to charity every evening. It's only if nobody collects it that staff can have it, or if we find something accidentally missed from the previous day. This really and truly sucks for us since it's going to cost me about £50 more a month to shop now. Sigh. They missed an expired pack of fishcakes yesterday. I would normally not bother with fish, but I decided beggars can't be choosers. It was absolutely lovely and I have frozen the other one for another day. There's also a chocolate bun in my fridge and some samosas, so that's something.

G, B & U 6: I managed to score a free printer from a lady kindly giving one away, so that I can deal with all the silly flat paperwork. I bought her some chocolates (£2.70) and have ordered a cable for it (£2.00).

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