Wednesday 20 January 2021

I Have Survived

My two rostered shifts of being the supervisor in charge of the store, that is. I have had a LOT of help from my colleagues, and apparently I have done well. I hesitated, but ended up applying for the role I'm not trained for. Even if I don't get it, I'm still showing I am keen. (It will probably go to Annoying Face.) So because this is my life and nothing ever turns out the way I expect, Supervisor #3 handed in her notice this week, while on holidays. I am trying not to get my hopes up because it is completely possible that boss lady might give the second slot to Random Transfer Person.

In the meantime, because nothing in this company ever happens quickly, I quite expect to be called in to cover the breach. So I hurry up and wait.

Perk of being the supervisor in charge: I got to take home a ton of unsold bakery stuff that normally just gets binned (we give a lot to charity, but they have limits on how much bread they need). Checkout operator kid and I shared it. She ended up with donuts and cakes, I ended up with a dozen small paper bags on my parlour table, of croissants, bread rolls and pretzels which were all snapped up by my housemates. 😊

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