Wednesday 13 October 2021

Personal Best

Me, on the treadmill, and 30:22 for my 5k. This is, of course, not particularly amazing (and indeed rather crap for anyone who has EVER run at all) but for me it's the best I've ever achieved. And done with a sore knee, which I had to favour the whole time. But since it's me we're talking about, I was then too sore on my OTHER leg for the rest of the week - the muscles, from compensating! - that I had to skip the gym twice. Boo. Oh well, next time. I'd ultimately like to achieve 25:00 but I do expect that to take me many months.

In the meantime I'm considering buying a treadmill again. I saw one come up for £50 on Marketplace but right now, more "stuff" inside my Renovation Project is the last thing I need.

Exhausted of work. Fed up. Nearing the end of my tether. But at least I'm not the only one.

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