Monday 4 October 2021

Back to the "Couch"

So a few years ago I had this hair-brained idea to try the Couch to 5k. It's specifically for people who can't run, to get them from nothing to running 5k (3.1 miles). By its very definition it should be unfailable. And yet, I failed. I tried for weeks. I had the official NHS podcast loaded into my player and I knew that you're supposed to be out of breath, but even my high pain-tolerance was screaming out a no and I just couldn't manage what they told me to do. I would be in crushing pain and winded after just a minute of slow jogging. It was soul-crushing to say the least.

So I binned it off. To be honest, I got a new job, ended up working 5-6 days a week and simply pretended I didn't have time.

Roll forward a bit and as you know I've rejoined the gym. And somehow I've found I can jog a little bit longer with smaller intervals of walking. So with some trepidation I've installed the much-updated Couch to 5k app. And ladies and gentleman I now have the dulcet tones of Sarah Millican to encourage me. I don't know whether she's ever heard her accent described like that, but here we are. And to my surprise with a slight struggle, I managed the first lesson ok. There is hope.

This has to work. I just can't go on with this job leaving me in a crippled state anymore (and lately I always am). Feet in agony, muscles sore and knees hating me. So increasing my fitness and decreasing my weight has to work. If it doesn't, I'm going to need to get a new career... please let me know if you hear of any jobs which pay you to sit at home playing games all day.

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