Saturday 11 June 2022

Excited Face x2

I finally got the transfer offer I've been waiting for, and it's a money transfer, woot. I shall whack it straight onto my loan. This will save me almost £400 off my main loan. I will also pay an extra £600 off the balance over the period, merely by keeping up with the regular payment on the credit card.

Also, my main bank's credit card has a low rate (as I think I've noted) so instead of paying that bill, I will put the cash onto my loan. That one is a less obvious winner but will still save me interest.

All of these are Good Things™.

Another one: despite setbacks (like having to defeat the door seal spring, and then remove the door, and the cover, and then the door lock via shaving it with a Stanley knife, and then the stupid new mechanism not 100% fitting and requiring me to franken-screw it into place) I have successfully changed the door catch mechanism on my washer. Honestly, I am kind of surprised that I managed it. But it's currently swirling about with some bleachy water inside so... win.

Spendy McSpenderson: need photos and to pay for a passport application this week. Ouch.

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